
Help bring our girls home!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

P.S. on the "happenings" post

Thought I should add a "P.S." to the last post since people are asking.....we haven't heard anything about the meeting that was supposed to take place on Monday as of yet.  However, having gone through things like this with adoption processes, I'm pretty familiar with how things seem to work.  It won't be uncommon for it to take over a week (praying it's not any longer than that!) to hear anything about yesterday's happenings.  That's just the way it is.  Communication can be so very slow, Internet down, not connecting with the appropriate people, etc, etc...did the meeting even take place?  Lots of ?'s

So for now, we continue to pray and are reminded daily that God gives us just what we need, just when we need it. His mercies are new every morning!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Monday Happenings

Our weekly update today informed us that our daughters case was not signed this past week as hoped.  However, this coming Monday our Ethiopia Team will be having a meeting with the people that need to sign off on the case.  They are hoping this happens right on the spot!  If not, they will get a date that it needs to be done by.  Obviously hoping for no more delays and that it's a simple process on Monday.  
We keep thanking God that one of our girls cases is already approved at this level and that we are this close to having our other daughters case through!  It's only a matter of time!  
                          God continues to give us 
                              and great determination to  
                                 get those girls home!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Praying for that signature!

I have friends ask me what specific thing they can pray for with our adoption process, and right now, it's to get that vital signature!  Having been told for weeks, actually months, that our agency expects to be "getting this signature any day", we might, might be getting close!  This is where YOU come in....

Todd spoke with our social worker this afternoon who told him that the Ethiopian Team is literally going to "track down" the person whose signature is required!  HA!  Whatever works!  This person apparently doesn't keep regular hours or isn't where she is said to be - so it's been impossible to get her to sign.  But, from what we are told, they are going to be non-stop until they find her and get this ONE PAPER signed!  Oh, I hope and pray it will be completed this week like they are hoping to do!

Please pray that the Ethiopian Team that has been working so hard to comply with the new process requirements, can find this person who is needed to sign our daughters case!  

We need to get this done so we can BRING THOSE GIRLS HOME!!

Thursday, April 16, 2015


For the past few years now, I've been meeting with "the girls", as I call them.  It's a group of us moms who have or are in process of adopting a child from Ethiopia.  LOVE my girls and today I was reminded of how important they are to me!
We get together about monthly, talk adoption and of course, eat.  Today was my turn to host and I just feel so uplifted when we are together, laughing, sharing stories and drinking coffee!

                         Today I got a new perspective. 

First of all, since Pastor Tim's sermon this past Sunday, I have been trying super hard to not:  Criticize, gossip or complainOK, why is this so difficult for me!?  I have found myself so, so many times beginning to complain and then remember I need to hold my tongue.  Grrr...I complain way too often!  And I'm doing it again!  Which leads me to today.

I have found myself for a long time now, complaining about the fact that our girls were told about us this past October.  In many ways, I wish they didn't even know about us, since this process continues to lengthen to get them home. How hard it must be for them!  But today, I had a new insight.  This past October I was so very excited for them to finally find out about all of us and have HOPEThen, all I've been doing is complaining about how long this is taking and wishing they didn't know any of this until we were ready to visit them.

Today, it hit me as one of my friends was explaining why she wished her future daughter knew she was matched with their family and have that hope.  Wow! MY girls have that HOPE.  This is obviously what God intended to have happen.  Perhaps they need this extended time to put things into perspective.  Realize they are about to become part of a new family who already loves them so much and know they are important and valuable!  If they didn't know they are about to become adopted, would they feel useless, undesirable, unworthy or unlovable?  But, they ARE WANTED!  I pray since they do know about us, they have a spark of great HOPE!  I have a huge smile on my face right now thinking of what this hopefully means for their lives!  No more complaining!  Only positives and praying my girlies remain in HOPE in their loving Savior!!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Sometimes I just don't understand

About 1 1/2 weeks ago we were informed that we would be submitted to Federal court to be reviewed on April 17, pending the final remaining signature required with Regional court.  Well, I regret to say, they still haven't obtained that signature and are out of time to join the review on the 17th.  I don't understand all involved, just that we ran out of time.  Ironic.  All we have is time and we are still late.
I just don't understand God's teaching right now. I struggle to understand why He delays this time and time again.  I just want to do what He wants me to do.  I struggle to see how any good can come out of not uniting us with the girls.  Yet, deeply I do not want to make this about what I want.  Please join me in praying....
Dear Heavenly Father,
I completely trust You.  I know that You hold the answers my heart is desperately trying to understand.  Lord God, please give Todd and I the strength to continue to pursue what Your will for our lives and the lives of our children are.  Help us to remain strong and have faith that can move mountains!  In Your perfectly Holy Name I ask that you intervene.  With you ALL things are possible.  A signature on a piece of paper is minute when compared to all that you have in-store for my precious daughters!  May Your will be done.  Amen.

Monday, April 6, 2015

24 YEARS!!

Today I celebrate being married to my wonderful husband for 24 years!  We dated for over 5 years before we were married and I had a huge crush on him for years before that!  I love that God put us together and that I get him for MY husband!  He is God loving, patient, an over-achiever, logical and my very best friend!

I love you so much Todd Lee! 
Thanks for joining me on this amazing               journey....

Saturday, April 4, 2015

No Shave November.
You've all heard of No Shave November, well for my sweetie, this began in September this past year.  As he did while waiting to see Kyah for the first time at her orphanage, he decided to play this little game and not shave until he sees his new daughters.  Since it looked like we would travel in November, he began growing a beard in September.  So, currently he has sported facial hair for nearly 8 months.  I really like it on him, although he plans to shave it off in between visits of seeing "T" and "B".  He is such a sweetie and I love his passion and longing to get our daughters home.  I'm blessed to be his wife and on the amazing journey with him!

Please continue to pray for our adoption process.  We have received updates that are positive, although we are still waiting for a specific signature before we can move forward.  We are told that our agency expects this to happen any day.  I find myself very guarded and not wanting to share specifics or letting myself get excited about how close we are to court.  Just wanting to not get my hopes up only to have an extended wait time once again.  Pray we get this required signature and soon!!  God knows the timing and His timing is always perfect.